10 Powerful Manifestation Symbol Tattoos To Attract Positive Energy

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10 Powerful Manifestation Symbol Tattoos To Attract Positive Energy

Are you looking for ways to attract positive energy and manifest your desires? Consider getting a manifestation symbol tattoo! These powerful symbols have been used for centuries to focus the mind, strengthen intentions, and attract positive energy. Here are 10 of the most powerful manifestation symbol tattoos you can get to help you attract abundance, love, success, and happiness.

The first symbol on our list is the Lotus flower tattoo. It represents spiritual enlightenment, growth, and purity. The lotus flower grows out of muddy waters and rises above it all, just like how we can transcend our challenges and reach greater heights if we stay focused on our goals. The Lotus flower tattoo is perfect for those who seek personal growth and transformation.

Another powerful manifestation symbol tattoo is the Hamsa hand. This ancient symbol is said to protect against evil eye, bring good luck, and promote healing. It is shaped like a hand with an eye in the center, representing protection, wisdom, and mindfulness. If you want to ward off negative energy and invite positive vibes into your life, consider getting a Hamsa hand tattoo.

If you’re looking for a symbol that represents balance and harmony, go for the Yin Yang tattoo. This Chinese symbol shows the duality of life – light and dark, masculine and feminine, joy and sadness. By embracing both sides of the coin, we can find inner peace and create a harmonious life. A Yin Yang tattoo can remind you to stay balanced and centered, even during the toughest times.

The aforementioned symbols are just three of the ten powerful manifestation symbol tattoos. There’s more to discover and explore in order to find the perfect symbol for you. Discovering and exploring through this article will lead you towards the right path. So, read on and find out the other seven!

Manifestation Symbol Tattoos
“Manifestation Symbol Tattoos” ~ bbaz


Tattoos have been used for centuries as symbols of power, protection, and spiritual connection. Manifestation symbol tattoos are a popular option for those looking to attract positive energy into their lives. These symbols are often associated with ancient cultures and religions, and they can be a beautiful and meaningful addition to your body art. In this article, we will explore 10 powerful manifestation symbol tattoos that can help you manifest your desires and attract positive energy.


The sunflower is a powerful symbol of positivity, happiness, and growth. This flower tattoo can be a beautiful reminder to focus on the positive aspects of life and let go of negativity. The sunflower is also associated with the sun, which is a powerful source of positive energy. This tattoo can be an excellent choice for those seeking more joy and abundance in their lives.


Om is a well-known Hindu symbol that represents the universe’s sound and vibration. This symbol is said to bring inner peace and harmony to those who meditate on it. Om can be a powerful tattoo choice for those seeking spiritual connection and growth. It can also serve as a reminder to stay mindful and present in the moment.


The hamsa is a Middle Eastern symbol of protection and good luck. This symbol is often seen as a hand with an eye in the center or a hand with open fingers. The hamsa is said to offer protection from evil and negative energy, making it a popular choice for those seeking greater security and safety. This tattoo can also be a beautiful representation of your faith and heritage.


The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, healing, and wisdom. This symbol is often seen as an eye with markings around it, representing the wings of the falcon god, Horus. The Eye of Horus is said to offer protection from all forms of harm and illness, making it an excellent choice for those seeking physical and emotional healing.


The lotus flower is a symbol of spiritual awakening and purity. This flower grows in muddy or murky water and rises above the surface to bloom in the sunlight. The lotus flower tattoo can be a powerful reminder to persevere through difficult times and find beauty in the midst of chaos. This tattoo can also represent personal growth and transformation.


Runes are ancient Nordic symbols that were used for divination and communication with the gods. They are often seen as a series of lines and geometric shapes that form letters. Rune tattoos can be a powerful way to connect with your ancestors and tap into your inner wisdom. They can also be used for manifestation and intention-setting.


The triskelion is an ancient Celtic symbol that represents cycles, eternity, and motion. It is often seen as three interconnected spirals that form a circle. The triskelion can be a powerful reminder to embrace change and let go of the past. This tattoo can also represent the unending love and connection between family members.


Sacred geometry is a term used to describe the mathematical principles found in nature and the universe. This includes shapes like the flower of life, the dodecahedron, and the Metatron’s cube. Sacred geometry tattoos can be a powerful way to connect with the universe and tap into its wisdom and energy. They can also be used for manifestation and intention-setting.


The dragonfly is a symbol of change, transformation, and adaptability. This insect begins its life in water and eventually transforms into a beautiful flying creature. The dragonfly tattoo can be a powerful reminder to embrace change and trust the process of transformation. It can also represent freedom and independence.


The crown chakra is the highest of the seven chakras and is located at the top of the head. It is associated with spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and connection with the divine. Crown chakra tattoos can be a powerful way to tap into your spiritual potential and connect with the universe’s energy. They can also serve as a reminder to stay open to new ideas and experiences.


In conclusion, manifestation symbol tattoos can be a powerful way to tap into positive energy, protect yourself from negativity, and manifest your desires. From the sunflower to the crown chakra, there are many powerful symbols that can be incorporated into your body art. Whether you’re seeking inner peace, physical healing, or spiritual growth, there is a manifestation symbol tattoo that can help you on your journey.

Tattoo Symbolism Power
Sunflower Positivity, happiness, growth Attract joy and abundance
Om Sound and vibration of the universe Inner peace and mindfulness
Hamsa Protection and good luck Security and safety
Eye of Horus Healing and wisdom Physical and emotional healing
Lotus Flower Spiritual awakening and purity Personal growth and transformation
Runes Divination and communication Tapping into inner wisdom
Triskelion Cycles and motion Embracing change and letting go
Sacred Geometry Mathematical principles of the Universe Connecting with the universe
Dragonfly Transformation and adaptability Embracing change and transformation
Crown Chakra Spiritual awakening and enlightenment Connecting with the divine


When it comes to manifestation symbol tattoos, the possibilities are endless. Each symbol carries its own unique energy and power, and it’s essential to choose one that resonates with you personally. As with any tattoo, it’s important to research the symbol’s history, cultural significance, and potential meanings before getting inked. It can also be helpful to work with a tattoo artist experienced in creating sacred body art. Ultimately, manifestation symbol tattoos can be a beautiful and meaningful addition to your spiritual practice and body art collection.

10 Powerful Manifestation Symbol Tattoos To Attract Positive Energy

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read about 10 Powerful Manifestation Symbol Tattoos To Attract Positive Energy. We hope you found this article helpful and informative in selecting a manifestation symbol tattoo that resonates with you.

Remember, manifestation symbol tattoos not only serve as a reminder of our intentions and desires, but they also have the power to attract positive energy into our lives. By selecting a symbol that aligns with our goals, we can manifest our dreams into reality.

We encourage you to take your time in selecting a manifestation symbol tattoo and to really connect with its meaning. Whether it be the powerful OM symbol or the transformative butterfly, these tattoos can be a beautiful representation of our inner spirit and bring about positive change.

Thank you again for visiting our blog and we wish you all the best on your journey towards manifesting positivity and abundance in your life.

People Also Ask about 10 Powerful Manifestation Symbol Tattoos To Attract Positive Energy:

  1. What are manifestation symbol tattoos?

    Manifestation symbol tattoos are tattoos that are believed to attract positive energy and help individuals manifest their desires. These tattoos feature powerful symbols and designs that represent abundance, prosperity, success, and other positive qualities.

  2. What are some popular manifestation symbol tattoos?

    Some popular manifestation symbol tattoos include the lotus flower, the Hamsa hand, the Tree of Life, the Om symbol, the Mandala, the Eye of Horus, the Feather, the Sun and Moon, the Celtic Knot, and the Ankh.

  3. What is the meaning behind the lotus flower tattoo?

    The lotus flower tattoo represents purity, rebirth, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. It is also associated with the Buddhist philosophy of detachment and letting go of attachments and negative emotions.

  4. What does the Hamsa hand symbolize?

    The Hamsa hand symbolizes protection, good fortune, and blessings. It is believed to ward off evil and negative energy, and bring positivity and abundance into one’s life.

  5. What is the significance of the Tree of Life tattoo?

    The Tree of Life tattoo represents growth, strength, and connection to the earth and nature. It symbolizes the cycle of life and the interconnectedness of all living things.

  6. What is the meaning behind the Om symbol tattoo?

    The Om symbol tattoo represents spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and unity with the universe. It is considered one of the most sacred symbols in Hinduism and Buddhism.

  7. What is the significance of the Mandala tattoo?

    The Mandala tattoo represents wholeness, balance, and harmony. It is a circular design that is believed to have a calming and meditative effect on the mind and spirit.

  8. What does the Eye of Horus symbolize?

    The Eye of Horus symbolizes protection, healing, and wisdom. It is believed to bring clarity and insight into one’s life, and ward off negativity and harm.

  9. What is the meaning behind the Feather tattoo?

    The Feather tattoo represents freedom, spirituality, and connection to the divine. It is often associated with birds, which are regarded as messengers between the physical and spiritual realms.

  10. What is the significance of the Sun and Moon tattoo?

    The Sun and Moon tattoo represents balance, duality, and the cyclical nature of life. It symbolizes the complementary forces of light and dark, masculine and feminine, and active and passive energies.